Restoration of Voting Rights

 Amendment 4 “restores the voting rights of Florida voters with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment does not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses."



 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If I have been convicted of a misdemeanor, are my voting rights affected? No, only a felony conviction affects civil rights and voting. (Section 97.041, Florida Statutes)
  2. If I am on probation, may I vote in Florida? Felony probation must be completed before civil rights may be restored. Once your civil rights are restored, you must register to vote by the book closing deadline (29 days before an election) to be eligible to vote in Florida. (Rules 6, 9, 10A, and 10B, Rules of Executive Clemency, State of Florida)
  3. If I have been arrested and am awaiting trial, may I vote? If you are otherwise eligible to vote and are registered to vote in Florida, then you may vote in Florida.
  4. If my rights have been restored, do I need to bring my certificate when I register to vote? No, If your rights have been restored, you do not need to present your certificate for voter registration.  Just fill out the Florida Voter Registration Application completely and return it to your local Supervisor of Elections on or before  the book closing deadline (29 days before an election).
  5. If my voting rights have been restored, what do I do next so that I may vote? In order to vote, you must register to vote in Florida by the book closing deadline (29 days before an election). To register to vote, complete a Florida Voter Registration Application. Florida Voter Registration Applications may be obtained in the following ways: Complete an application online; Download the form Florida Voter Registration Application; call 407.742.6000 and request that a voter application be mailed to you; pick up a form in person at any Supervisor of Elections office; pick up a form in person at any public library, any office that provides public assistance, any office that serves persons with disabilities or any center for independent living.
  6. When is the deadline to register to vote? In order to vote in any election, you must be registered to vote by the deadline, which is twenty-nine (29) days prior to that election.